Upon receipt of your order, please allow 1-2 working days for processing. Once the shipment is dispatched, the delivery time will vary between 5-7 working days, depending on the destination country.
For purchases of goods valued at €200 or more, our pricing includes shipping costs, customs clearance fees, and value-added tax (VAT).
For purchases of goods valued at less than €200, our pricing does not include shipping costs. The shipping fee for such purchases is €15, which covers shipping costs, customs clearance, and VAT.
In the case of a single purchase involving multiple items with a total value of €200 or more, we have the discretion to dispatch all selected items in one shipment, and you will still be eligible to avail yourself of the aforementioned free shipping policy.
For countries outside of China, you, as the purchaser of the products, are considered the importer. Consequently, you may be subject to local taxes, import duties, or other governmental levies. A. A. Spectrum 光谱 does not assume responsibility for these charges, has no control over them, and cannot predict their amount.
For countries outside of China, you, as the purchaser of the products, are considered the importer. Consequently, you may be subject to local taxes, import duties, or other governmental levies. A. A. Spectrum 光谱 does not assume responsibility for these charges, has no control over them, and cannot predict their amount.